Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Top 3 from the LMC & IT: Issue #6

The Top 3 from the LMC & IT this week 4/8/19:

1. Google Slides has added a closed captioning feature when presenting in Google Slides.  It uses your computer's microphone to detect spoken presentations and then transcribes in real time.  It takes exactly what you say and adds it as a caption of the bottom of the slide while you are presenting.

And it is as simple as hitting one button.
All you have to do is open up a Google Slide Presentation.  Hit "Present."  And then click on CC button on the pop up menu that appears

As you start speaking into your device’s microphone, automated captions will appear in real time at the bottom of your screen for your audience to see.

While closed captioning in slides can help audience members who are deaf or hard of hearing, it can also be useful for audience members without hearing loss who are listening in a noisy room. It also provides visual support for the English language for our non-native speakers (students or parents!).


2. We need your help with getting seniors to realize their obligations before they leave MVHS! If a senior student owes any money through their lunch account, PushCoin or the library (Destiny) they will not be able to get their cap & gown. Students can use this link to see what is on their Destiny record and take care of the obligations BEFORE they try to get their cap & gown. 


3. Be careful what you tweet! Or, at least give credit. Our neighbor school district just settled a significant legal situation regarding a tweet on behalf of one of their teachers. Read about it here: District 308 expensive retweet